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What is molecular modeling

Welcome to the introductory text about molecular modeling. This text aims to give you an impression of what can be achieved with molecular modeling and introduce you to some typical terms used in this vibrant field.

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Stevan Armaković and Sanja J. Armaković
Molecular Simulation, 49 (1) (2023), 117 – 123, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2022.2126865
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Stevan Armaković and Sanja J. Armaković
Molecular Simulation, 50 (2024), 560 – 570, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2024.2329736
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So, what is molecular modeling?

Let’s start with a general definition of molecular modeling. Molecular modeling refers to a set of computational methods used to study and predict the behavior, properties, and interactions of molecules. This interdisciplinary branch of science combines principles from physics, mathematics, and computer science to develop methods and tools that enable scientists to perform calculations on molecular models.

When discussing molecular modeling, at the core of every method lies a certain theory that governs how the total energy of a molecule is calculated. Generally, a molecule can be treated as a classical or a quantum mechanical system, which gives rise to classical and quantum-molecular methods for calculations on molecules.

In a classical picture, a molecule is represented as a set of balls connected by springs. Here, the balls represent atoms, and the springs represent the bonds between atoms. This simplistic approach allows us to calculate the total energy of a system using classical equations. In a quantum mechanical picture, a molecule is treated as a quantum mechanical system, meaning that the total energy of a molecule is calculated by solving the Schrödinger equation. While the quantum mechanical picture provides fundamentally more accurate results, it does not imply that classical methods are less useful in molecular modeling. On the contrary, classical methods are indispensable in certain applications. However, we will discuss the choice of methods later on.

When referring to the methods used in molecular modeling, it is also useful to mention that they are often referred to as “levels of theory.” This term is intuitive as it suggests that some levels are higher or lower compared to others, indicating varying degrees of accuracy. Therefore, we distinguish between classical and quantum-mechanical levels of theory. In terms of accuracy, classical levels of theory are less accurate compared to quantum mechanical levels of theory.

Over the years, a vast number of theoretical methods have been developed to study the properties of molecules. These methods differ in various aspects. We have already touched upon the term accuracy, which means that some methods are less accurate, while others are more accurate. However, accuracy is not the only factor determining the choice of a method. For example, some methods are faster, while others are extremely slow. Faster methods allow for quicker calculations, but slower methods may be necessary for certain types of analyses. Additionally, some methods are easier to implement in code, while others are more challenging. Choosing the right method for your specific needs can be quite challenging, and we will address this topic on several occasions throughout this course.

Now that we’ve defined molecular modeling and examined its fundamentals, it’s necessary to explore its practical applications. Let’s turn our attention to the specific fields where the use of molecular modeling is important for achieving meaningful results and advancements. Molecular modeling is like a multifaceted gem, each facet offering a different perspective on the molecular world. Its techniques are not just limited to studying simple molecules but extend to a vast range of scientific domains. Here’s a sneak peek into some of these intriguing avenues:

1. Drug design

Drug Design: Molecular modeling plays a pivotal role in the field of drug design and discovery. Traditional drug development is a time-consuming and costly process, often taking over a decade and billions of dollars to bring a single drug from concept to market. By visualizing the intricate molecular structures of potential drug molecules and their biological targets, molecular modeling can help streamline this process significantly.

The ability to accurately simulate and understand how potential drug molecules interact with their targets (usually proteins or enzymes within the body) is fundamental to creating more effective and safer drugs. It helps identify the most promising drug candidates early on, reducing the number of costly and time-consuming experimental tests needed.

Furthermore, molecular modeling can assist in ‘in silico’ drug optimization, tweaking the structure of drug candidates to improve their efficacy, selectivity, and safety profile, before they are synthesized and tested in the lab. This significantly accelerates the drug discovery process, reducing both the time and financial investment needed.

This transformative approach, often termed as ‘computer-aided drug design’, is increasingly becoming an integral part of modern pharmaceutical research, promising to make drug discovery faster, cheaper, and more effective.

2. Materials Science

From the polymers that make up everyday items like plastic bottles, to the ceramics used in advanced technologies, molecular modeling techniques play a critical role in material science. Traditional material discovery and development methods can be a slow and exhaustive process, involving the synthesis and testing of countless material candidates.

Molecular modeling comes to the rescue by allowing scientists to study and predict the properties of materials at the atomic level, even before they’re synthesized in the lab. It helps design materials with target properties by understanding how different atomic structures and compositions can influence them.

Imagine having to choose the best book from a vast library without a catalog – you’d have to go through each book one by one! But what if you had a system that could predict which books you’re likely to enjoy based on your preferences? That’s essentially what molecular modeling does in material science. By simulating a wide variety of molecular structures, scientists can predict their properties and filter out the most promising candidates for further experimental testing.

This approach, sometimes denoted as ‘materials informatics,’ significantly speeds up the material discovery process. It enables the development of new materials with tailored properties, such as high-strength alloys for aerospace applications or efficient light-absorbing compounds for solar cells, in a more time-efficient and cost-effective manner. Molecular modeling, in this context, is truly revolutionizing the way we discover and design new materials.

3. Environmental Chemistry

In an era where human activity is causing unprecedented changes to our planet, understanding the environmental fate of pollutants is crucial. Every day, many complex chemical reactions occur in our environment, many driven by anthropogenic pollutants. These reactions can impact our air, soil, and water, leading to various environmental issues. This is where molecular modeling steps in, offering a deeper understanding of these complex processes.

Molecular modeling can help us predict the behavior of pollutants and their degradation pathways, providing vital information about their potential impact on the environment. For example, it can simulate how a pollutant interacts with water molecules, shedding light on its solubility, stability, and potential toxicity in aquatic environments.

This goes beyond just understanding how pollutants behave. By simulating these interactions, molecular modeling can guide the design of more environmentally-friendly compounds and help in the development of effective cleanup strategies. It can also contribute to risk assessments by predicting how pollutants might interact with biological systems, aiding in the prevention of potential health hazards.

In essence, molecular modeling serves as an indispensable tool in environmental chemistry. It helps us understand and predict the environmental fate of compounds, contributing to our efforts to safeguard our planet’s natural resources and ecosystems. Whether it’s predicting the effects of a new synthetic chemical before it’s widely used, or understanding how a pollutant might spread in a river system, molecular modeling provides insights that are fundamental to preserving our environment for future generations.

4. Biochemistry and Biophysics

The complexities of life are rooted in the fascinating world of biochemistry and biophysics, where molecular interactions govern everything from our genetic code to the way our cells function. Due to the sheer complexity and microscopic scale of these interactions, studying them in detail poses significant challenges. This is where molecular modeling becomes an invaluable tool.

By allowing researchers to visualize biological processes at a molecular level, molecular modeling offers a unique window into the world of biochemistry and biophysics. For instance, it can provide detailed insights into the intricate structure of DNA, shedding light on how genetic information is stored and expressed. It can also simulate protein folding, a complex process that’s crucial for understanding how proteins gain their functional structure.

Molecular modeling not only helps us understand these processes but also predicts how they may be affected under different conditions or by different molecules. For example, it can simulate how a drug molecule might interact with a specific protein, providing crucial information for the development of new treatments.

Moreover, molecular modeling can help decode the mysteries of complex biochemical pathways, such as those involved in metabolism or signal transduction. By simulating these pathways at an atomic level, we can gain insights into how they operate and how they might be influenced by external factors.

In a nutshell, molecular modeling in biochemistry and biophysics provides us with a digital playground to explore, understand, and predict the behavior of life’s most essential components. Whether we’re studying the dynamics of an enzyme, unraveling the mysteries of gene expression, or exploring the potential impacts of a new drug, molecular modeling allows us to delve into the details of life’s molecular machinery, offering insights that can lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of health and disease.

5. Chemical Bonding and Reactions

One of the fundamental questions in chemistry is – how do atoms come together to form molecules, and how do these molecules interact and react with each other? Understanding these processes at the atomic and molecular level is crucial for predicting and explaining the properties and behavior of matter.

Molecular modeling, especially techniques grounded in quantum mechanics, offers a powerful approach to probe these questions. It allows us to delve into the intricacies of chemical bonding, providing insights into the nature of bonds – whether they are covalent, ionic, metallic, or hydrogen bonds. It helps us visualize the electron distribution within a molecule, thereby aiding in understanding its shape, polarity, and reactivity.

Moreover, molecular modeling can illuminate the pathways of chemical reactions. It can help us understand the mechanisms of reactions, identify intermediate stages, and estimate the energy changes involved. Such understanding is vital for predicting the outcomes of reactions and for optimizing them – for instance, in the design of more efficient catalytic processes.

This aspect of molecular modeling is particularly important for fields such as synthetic chemistry, where it can guide the design of new synthetic routes. It’s also key for understanding biochemical reactions, shedding light on how enzymes catalyze reactions in living organisms.

In essence, by unraveling the secrets of chemical bonding and reactions, molecular modeling offers us a profound understanding of the microscopic world, driving advances in numerous areas of chemistry and related sciences.

6. Nanotechnology

In the realm of the tiny, where a nanometer scale can make a world of difference, molecular modeling is a powerful tool. It not only enables scientists to design and study nanomaterials, but also to explore their interactions with molecules and other nanomaterials, leading to breakthroughs in fields ranging from medicine to electronics and energy production.

Nanomaterials exhibit unique properties that are not seen in their bulk counterparts. By modeling these materials at the atomic level, we can predict these properties, aiding the design of nanomaterials with desired functionalities. Whether it’s creating a nanoparticle that can efficiently convert sunlight into electricity for a solar cell, or designing a nanoscale drug delivery system that can target cancer cells more effectively, molecular modeling is at the forefront of these innovations.

But molecular modeling in nanotechnology goes beyond just studying individual nanomaterials. It also helps us understand how molecules interact with nanomaterials. For instance, it can simulate how a drug molecule binds to a nanoparticle for targeted delivery, or how a pollutant molecule interacts with a nanoscale sensor, providing valuable insights for the design of nanoscale devices and systems.

In addition, molecular modeling can explore how different nanomaterials interact with each other, which is crucial for the development of complex nanostructures and devices. Understanding these interactions can help us control and manipulate the assembly of nanomaterials, opening up possibilities for creating novel materials with unprecedented properties.

Indeed, molecular modeling is a crucial player in the field of nanotechnology. It allows us to venture into the nanoworld, predicting properties, designing materials, and exploring interactions, thereby enabling us to harness the potential of this tiny but mighty realm to its fullest.

7. Chemical Engineering

From the production of polymers to the design of energy-efficient processes, chemical engineering is a discipline that encompasses a wide array of processes. At the heart of these processes lie complex chemical reactions and phase changes, the understanding of which is crucial for optimizing efficiency and performance. This is where molecular modeling plays a key role.

Molecular modeling can provide a microscopic view of these processes, offering insights into the behavior of individual molecules during reactions and phase transitions. For instance, in catalytic reactions, it can help identify the most active sites on a catalyst and reveal the reaction mechanisms, aiding in the design of more efficient catalysts.

In the field of process engineering, molecular modeling can assist in the design of separation processes, such as distillation or extraction, by predicting the phase behavior of complex mixtures. Similarly, in polymer production, it can help understand the kinetics of polymerization reactions and the structure of the resulting polymers, leading to improved material properties.

In the realm of energy, molecular modeling can contribute to the development of more sustainable processes. Whether it’s designing materials for carbon capture and storage, optimizing biofuel production, or improving the efficiency of fuel cells, molecular modeling provides the molecular-level insights that can drive these advancements.

Moreover, in the burgeoning field of biochemical engineering, molecular modeling is increasingly used to design and optimize bioreactors, predict enzyme activity, and model metabolic pathways.

Molecular modeling is an invaluable tool in chemical engineering, enabling us to peek into the molecular world and understand the underlying mechanisms of complex processes. Providing these insights helps drive innovation, optimize efficiency, and promote sustainability in the vast field of chemical engineering.


Please keep in mind, this is just the tip of the iceberg! The potential applications of molecular modeling techniques are almost endless, continually expanding as our understanding of the molecular world grows. We will certainly dive deeper into this fascinating world in the articles and tutorials to come.